multi-day adventures
We create extraordinary trips at the best daily price.
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Everything an unforgettable trip needs

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Over 35,000 travellers have already been impassioned by our incredible trips! Share in the excitement with us, benefit from our success and expand journaway’s ever-growing network!
Content creators
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Partnership with journaway
Immediate sales growth and oversight
Attractive commission models, immediate turnover and transparent overview of your generated bookings.
Long-term partner
Thanks to our expansion and development of new markets, with us, you’re on track for growth.
Partnership on equal footing
Open, honest and quick communication is a matter of course for us.
Target group of the future
Our trips are particularly aimed at Gen Z.
Become part of our team!
journaway is one of the fastest-growing travel start-ups in Europe.
Innovation stems from versatility and the courage to challenge the tried and true and develop new ideas.

Want to learn more?
Let's talk!
Julia Hillers
Senior Sales Manager
Senior Sales Manager